I love seeing them quietly napping on extended car rides or after a big day in town! My daughter loves her thumb best for an instant soother and never seems to be far away from her favorite tag tied blankies.
She loves playing Momma and always keeps her baby along for car rides. I thought about getting the baby doll car seat, but where would we put it? I know it's illegal to carry your baby in your lap, but in this case, it's a must!
My son on the other hand can't go anywhere without Kitty. He has had that cat's tail in his grip or under his nose since he was old enough to sleep in his own room! Car rides are much quieter when Kitty is on board!
We rarely see them both out at the same time, but in those rare moments of nap time bliss, we savor the quiet and dread the awake time that comes once we park!
What makes your little ones silent passengers? A favorite toy, movie, or sound? Share your secret weapons here! Please! :)
They have started swapping hits and toys already, so any advice in advance would be fabulous!