Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nana nana nana... Batman!

My son is recently 4 years old and was just introduced to Batman. He didn't believe me that Batman has a theme song, but now he will sing it out of the blue. It is so cute! But it is funnier that he can't pronounce it correctly yet, so it's always 'Butt' Man.

He really enjoys playing with the new Happy Meal toys and will watch the old shows and cartoons. I used to love Adam West as Batman! He doesn't really like the newer ones, just the classic stuff. Thank God for the library! They have all the good ones on DVD. He doesn't like to return them, but loves watching them!

He is building his good and bad knowledge and so this Batman phase is a step in that knowledge. I hope he maintains the awareness that just because it's dark or ugly doesn't equal bad, just as beauty doesn't always mean good! It's the unassuming stranger that always gets away with terrors. I want my kids to be strong, well rounded and not trust on appearances. That inner voice is always the wisest tutor!


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