Thursday, May 13, 2010

Waking Up

Nothing beats getting a small little hand patting your face and saying as lightly as possible, "Mommy wake up". Unless, of course, it's way before your ready to be awake. But that little hand is persistent and the voice angelic.

So you stretch, yawn, and rub your eyes awake and curse the storm that had you tossing most of the night away. Evidently it didn't affect your little man's sleeping patterns since he is bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning.

Some times it's more difficult to see the positive to start your day, and you just want to cover your head and go back to sleep. But motherhood prevents that little luxury we always took for granted. There is no calling in, sleeping in or even giving in to exhaustion when those little eyes are waiting for yours to open.

The most we can hope for is a rest period later.


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